The late 1970s saw the real advent of the licensed toy, with the industry’s gradual movement from an era of tradition to one of globalization. Toys had now become cultural, collective objects, and therefore subject to fads and trends; hence the importance of marketing and communication. Meccano's teams demonstrated their marketing savoir-faire and inventiveness by focusing on the promotions themselves, using innovative strategies and tactics – "the medium became the message." Released in September 2021 - Available in separate ENGLISH and French printed editions, softcover and hardcover (2022).
Enjoy most of these fascinating advertisements, catalogs, internal (to Meccano) material and commercial artifacts presented in their original format and actual size. They offer an instructive overview of toy marketing in the Original Trilogy period and how it evolved in France, and provide unparalleled insight into globalization as it developed through the 1980s to become the foundation of the marketing practices we see today.
Dimensions 8.27x11" - Softcover 240 color pages / Hardcover 240 color pages - FRENCH and ENGLISH.